
Build A $300 Underground Greenhouse For Year-round Fresh Food

Growers in colder climates often utilize various approaches to extend the growing season or to give their crops a boost, whether it’s coldframes, hoop houses or greenhouses. Greenhouses are normally coated structures, yet are usually costly to build and heat up all through the winter. A significantly more reasonable and successful choice to glass greenhouses is the walipini […]


10 Foods You Can Buy Once & Regrow Forever

1. Sweet Potatoes Begin with a firm, healthy, organic sweet potato – if it’s beginning to grow, all the better as that gives you a head start. Put your sweet potato into a jug of water, submerging the greater part of it in, however permitting a couple inches to be above water. Make certain to change […]


DIY – How To Make Your Own Cool Moss Graffiti

Experimenting with the perfect formula that allows you to make your walls green with moss and choose the shape you want. All you need to get started is: a can of beer or 2 cups of water 2 cups of buttermilk or not flavored yogurt half a teaspoon of sugar few clumps of moss plastic container […]


How To Bring A Dying Houseplant Back To Life

At the point when houseplants begin to shrivel it’s where expert advice proves to be useful, so Food 52 enrolled Tara Heibel, creator of Rooted in Design and proprietor of Sprout Home, to help in planing for the the worst—and reverse it. Similarly as with every single living thing, even the hardiest plants require care, […]

air layering

Air Layering: How to Propagate Plants Using This Unique Method

It’s trusted that air layering goes back to old China and Japan, where air layering bonsai was a prominent propagation technique. It’s not the most widely recognized propagation technique, for the most part since it takes a while for a cutting to develop when it’s air layered. The reason why you should pick air layering […]


Start a Self-Sufficient Homestead

Everyone will have a different approach to keeping a self-sufficient homestead, and it’s unlikely that any two 1-acre farms will follow the same plan or methods or agree completely on how to homestead. Some people like cows; other people are afraid of them. Some people like goats; other people cannot keep them out of the […]


How To Grow Mint And 12 Reasons Why You Should Grow It

The family Lamiaceae is proud to have the Mint or Mentha plant in its rows. Even more so, there are about 13 to 18 varieties of mint altogether. Mint has an intense smell and taste that many people find refreshing and pleasant. Also, mint provides cooling qualities and it is thus used in many cosmetic […]


10 Companion Plants To Grow Next To Your Tomatoes

Growing friendly plants together is said to help development, create more flavor and shield plants from pests. Partner planting has for quite some time been a practice of experienced gardeners. Friendly planting helps you capitalize on the cultivating space you have and gives an assortment of advantages to your plants. 10 plants you should grow […]


Did You Know That USDA Hardiness Zones Have Changed?

If you started gardening before 2012, you may be astonished to discover that your hardiness zone has changed from that point forward. A standout amongst the most vital factors in which plants will do well in your garden is how cold the winters are. Maps created by the National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that look […]


Top 4 Fertilizing Mistakes Gardeners Make

Fertilizer is good nutrition for lawns and gardens, however fertilizer diets must be reasonably controlled. Gardeners frequently utilize excessively or too little fertilizer or simply the wrong product, with potentially disastrous results. Here are the effects of the top fertilizing mistakes gardeners make. Too much fertilizer The most widely recognized mix-up is overloading the lawn […]