
Award-Winning Gardener, Stuart Grindle, Tells Of Daily Battle To Keep His Prized Garden In Perfect Shape

Green-fingered gardener Stuart Grindle, 76, says he will keep working hard to stop his prized labor of love from being ruined by the weather. Stuart’s cherished slice of paradise has remained in pristine condition thanks to plenty of enthusiasm, watering and pulling a handful of weeds each time he is in the garden. He has […]

The 7 Best Blooming Flowers For Winter

Plants die in the winter because ice crystals form within the plant cells. Plants try to protect themselves from freezing by concentrating solutes like sucralose to depress the freezing point inside their cells, this is only effective to about 20 degrees Fahrenheit (-6.6°C) . After that point, the water in cells can actually freeze into crystals […]


10 Plants To Treat Cough, Lung Infections, And Bronchitis

Natural medicines not only enhance the health of the lungs but also treat infections by curing them entirely. These are the 14 best plants to clean your lungs and stop the cough, bronchitis, and asthma. Licorice root Licorice oil is one of the most popular in the world for treating the lungs. Traditional Chinese medicine […]

vivien sansour

The Seed Queen Of Palestine

In the fields and terraces of the occupied West Bank, a Palestinian woman is leading a quiet revolution. Vivien Sansour is distributing rare, ancient heirloom seeds to Palestinian farmers. Inspired by memories of her grandmother and the delicious food of her childhood, Vivien wants to reintroduce long forgotten Palestinian produce to the tables of people across […]


Pruning Avocado Trees Grown In Pots

The average outdoor avocado tree can grow to be 40 to 80 feet tall. However, you can enjoy a smaller version of this beautiful tree inside your home. With just the seeds from the avocados you have eaten, you can grow an avocado as a houseplant indoors. Here you can read more about how to […]


Leonardo DiCaprio’s New Environmental Fund Pledges $5 Million In Aid Amid Amazon Fires

The famous actor and philanthropist Leonardo DiCaprio has announced that his environmental charity called Earth Alliance (created by DiCaprio himself, businesswoman and philanthropist Laurene Powell Jobs, and investor and philanthropist Brian Sheth), will be donating $5 million to the preservation of the Amazon rainforest. The organization was formed with the purpose of preserving nature, supporting […]


12 Brilliant Gardening Hacks And Advice

Taking care of your garden might seem like a lot. Especially when you have to deal with pests, animals, and weeds that can damage or kill your precious plants. However, you can follow some simple advice to avoid certain gardening mistakes. Here are 12 interesting gardening hacks to help you with your gardening: 1. Use […]