
Effective Use Of Plants To Repel Bad Bugs

There is no way to free your garden from insects 100%. However, you can successfully repel the bad bugs by incorporating useful plants into your landscape. Many plants can serve as bug repellents. Plants that repel insect pests A number of herbs, flowers, and vegetable plants can make ideal repellents for insect pests. Here are […]

soil test

How To Test Soil For Pests And Diseases

Pests or disease can quickly ravage through a garden. When caught early enough, many common garden diseases or pests can be controlled before they get out of hand. In some cases, however, catching specific diseases in order to control them is necessary before the plants are even put in the ground. Testing soil for pests […]

tea bag

Is There Plastic in Your Teabags?

When it comes to teabags, there are different types which use different types of plastic, and use it in different ways, but the majority still contain plastic. There’s the regular pressed paper teabags (the ones with the crimped edges). These contain plastic. The main reason is that these crimped tea bags are pressed shut using heat, and […]

tea bag

Plastic-Free tea bags: Which brands are and which aren’t?

Most of us tea-drinkers choose tea bags rather than tea leaves – 96% in fact. But are you aware that some tea bags actually contain plastic? Several tea bag brands use polypropylene, a sealing plastic, to keep their tea bag from falling apart. This plastic is not recyclable or biodegradable. So, even when you put all your […]

epsom salt

9 Incredible Uses For Epsom Salt In The Garden

Epsom salt is comprised of hydrated magnesium sulfate, a naturally occurring mineral first found in the well waters of Epsom, England. Epsom salt has a variety of home remedy applications – the two most widely known being as a saline laxative and pain reliever. What many people don’t realize is that Epsom salt also has several […]


Best Vegetable Crops To Grow in Winter

You can extend the growing season by planting winter vegetable garden. Many vegetables that can be grown in winter will produce earlier crops than spring plantings. And don’t worry if you haven’t planted anything yet, since there are a lot of tasty vegetables to grow in winter that can be still sown in fall. Vegetables to […]

native american

Native American Gardening Techniques

Many people who are interested in green living are turning to Native American gardening techniques to learn how foods were grown in the past. Native Americans had to survive on what they grew, as well as what was available in the wild, for their survival. Some of the techniques that they used in the past […]