
Tips For Seeding A Lawn And Its Care

To get the beautiful lawn to enjoy, you’ll have to prepare the space for seeding, then do all the follow-up and maintenance. Only then do you get to bring out the lawn chairs and umbrella. Tips for seeding a lawn If you are seeding your first lawn, roll up your sleeves and prepare to put […]

raised bed

9 Reasons Why Raised Beds Are The Best Way To Garden

A standard practice in areas receiving plenty of rain, raised bed gardening ensures good drainage, besides providing a bit of extra space for growing vegetables. Raised bed gardening proved to be perfect for many companion plantings such as carrots and onion family vegetables. The carrots went on the flat top of the beds and enjoyed […]


5 Ways Of Growing Sacks Full Of Potatoes

Homegrown potatoes are infinitely more tasty than most store bought varieties. So, this alone may change your mind into growing some of your own even if they are so cheap to buy. If you grow your own and store them properly, potatoes can last for months, while still being fresher than those you bought at […]


How To Pollinate Tomato Plants By Hand

While tomato flowers are typically wind pollinated, and occasionally by bees, the lack of air movement or low insect numbers can inhibit the natural pollination process. In these situations, you may need to hand pollinate tomatoes to ensure pollination takes place so your tomato plants bear fruit. Can a tomato plant pollinate by itself? Many plants […]


Tomato Plants Not Setting Fruit? Here’s Why

Are you getting tomato plant blossoms but no tomatoes? Several factors can lead to a lack of fruit setting, such as temperature, irregular watering practices and poor growing conditions. You don’t need two plants in order to produce fruit either—this is a popular misconception. Big blooms/Lush foliage, but no tomato fruit – Why? 1.Insufficient light […]

compost tea

Compost Tea – How To Make And Use The Ultimate Organic Fertilizer

Compost tea is the perfect way to boost your plants growth and obtain higher yields – naturally! Better yet, you can make it for free using your own compost! Use compost and cover crops for building great soil structure and vitality – AND  boost plants during the growing season with a simple homemade natural liquid fertilizer on the […]

tree bombs

Planes Can Plant 1 Billion Trees A Year With Seed Bombs

Can nature win the war on climate change? Maybe with a little help from humanity. Using old reconditioned military planes, we can plant one billion trees a year. The planes will “tree bomb” deteriorated forests that have been devastated by commercial logging. The proposed program uses some of that fastest growing trees in the world, […]


Australia’s Bushfires Could Change The Country Forever

Wildfires are a part of the natural rhythms of Australia’s environment. But scientists haven’t seen anything like this before. The bushfires in Australia are an unseen catastrophe. The country is grappling with some of the worst wildfires in its history. At least 12 million acres of land have already been scorched and more than 100 blazes […]