
How To Prune Tomatoes For A Big Harvest

Do you like to train your plants and check up on them almost every day? If so, then you may be a natural tomato pruner. Pruning tomatoes is an optional technique that some gardeners use to keep plants tidy, manipulate fruit size, and even speed ripening. There is one big catch: You should only prune indeterminate […]


How To Identify And Control Anthracnose

Fighting anthracnose can be a frustrating process. Find out about what plants get anthracnose and how to prevent it to achieve successful anthracnose control. What is anthracnose? Anthracnose is a fungal disease that tends to attack plants in the spring when the weather is cool and wet, mostly on leaves and twigs. The fungi overwinter in dead […]


Getting a Christmas Cactus to Bloom

If you are growing a Christmas Cactus, you already know they are nothing like the other succulents. Despite the fact that they are succulents, they have entirely different prerequisites than cacti. That is because their normal natural home are the woodlands and jungles. Truth be told, they are really referred to as Forest Cacti. Forest […]


How To Properly Plant A Tomato

The life of the tomato plant often depends on the proper planting in the start. If you do everything right, you can count on it to provide you with rich harvest. Tomatoes are very easy to grow, they love heat but hate frost – so keep this in mind when you plant it. 1. Buy […]


Tips For Growing Thanksgiving Cactus

Thanksgiving cactus blooms around November. The Thanksgiving holiday cactus is a simple to grow indoor plant. Both Christmas and Thanksgiving cacti belong to the Schlumbergera genus and are local to the tropical woodlands of Brazil. They are appealing plants regularly sold and given as a gift for the holidays but at the same time are […]


Things You Need To Know Before Using Coffee Grounds In Your Garden

A research laboratory in Maine tested different samples of coffee to determine whether adding coffee to the soil was safe for the plants. They came up with some interesting results: In these tests, most coffee grounds had a pH level under 5.0, which means they are too acidic for most plants, even plants that typically […]


10 Reasons Why Not To Kill This Weed In Your Garden

The plant that you see on this picture is called Purslane! Also known as little hogweed! This plant grows like weed and it’s good for you! This annual plant grew originally in the South of France, but thankfully we can find it a bit everywhere now! Here’s 10 reasons why you should never get rid […]


6 Things Your Plant’s Leaves Are Trying Тo Tell You

1. They’re brown and crunchy The plant is: Thirsty. Give greenery a new lease on life by watering until the soil is moist, but not saturated. Liza Wheeler, plant expert and blogger at Good to Grow, points out that there’s often a lag between the problem at hand and leaves changing color – but that […]

You Will Never Throw Away Used Tea Bags Again

Here are 10 reasons why you should use the used tea bags in the garden instead of throwing them away 1.  Worms eat the tea leaves –  Worms can securely eat tea leaves. When they process the leaves they create a more “supplement rich yield,” making your soil more beneficial for developing plants. 2. Teabags help […]


Everything You Need To Know About Getting Rid Of Common Garden Pests

Slugs and snails Slugs eat by night and need dampness by day, so lessen their daytime concealing spots. Keep edges and outskirts clean, weed completely, evacuate old and rotting leaves, and don’t develop slugs’ most loved nourishment, (for example, lettuce and zinnias) near walls or overgrown edges. Water less frequently however more thoroughly in the […]