
Why Do Your Plants Keep Dying In The Same Spot

If your plants keep dying in the same spot the reason likely has to do with problems with the plant roots. Plant root problems run the range from the most simplistic to more dire explanations, like root rot diseases. To diagnose the problem, it’s a good idea to answer some questions. For instance, do all […]


How To Prepare Your Garden In Fall for Spring Planting

For many gardeners, summer is the peak of their vegetable gardening season. The warm weather and long days are needed to coax tomatoes, peppers, and other heat lovers into ripeness. But fall has some qualities that make it extremely favorable for crops that prefer cooler temperatures or wetter conditions. In fact, in some areas it the […]


Top 7 Greenhouse Gardening Mistakes

Growing plants in greenhouses, whether edible or ornamental, requires a little work beforehand. Learn from these common mistakes and have a successful growing season. Seeing your plants grow and thrive is a very rewarding experience, especially when you’re cultivating them correctly. When it comes to the best ways to grow in a greenhouse, whether it be plants, […]


Can Plants Learn – Do Plants Have Memories

To many people, plants are just green things that may or may not produce flowers or food. They don’t think deeply about flora, and instead, regard them with a shallow aspect. But do plants have memories? Can plants learn? Surprisingly, studies into the subject seem to reveal that plant learned behavior carries through their lives, […]


Mistakes When You Prune Tomatoes

To prune or not to prune…? This is somewhat a contentious issue among tomato growers with both sides advancing strong reasons for or against the practice. There is still a third group of growers who straddle both sides of the divide with the view that, like most things in life, the most satisfactory answers can […]

Pesticides: Should you use them?

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the government body that regulates pesticides in the U.S., a pesticide is any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating any pest. Though often misunderstood to refer only to insecticides, the term pesticide also applies to herbicides, fungicides, and various other substances used […]


Tilling The Soil In Your Garden

These days, tilling dirt is a matter of personal choice. There are some people in the world of gardening who believe that you should be tilling your soil at least once, maybe twice a year. There are others who believe that tilling your soil at all can be harmful to your soil in the long […]


Green-Thumbed Man Grows Plants Worth $15,000 Per Leaf

A green-thumbed Brit has grown the ultimate collection of house plants, including a species worth $15,500 a leaf, inspired by grandmother’s love. 30-year-old Tony Le-Britton turned his lounge into a jungle and transformed his spare room into an incredible greenhouse to nurture his passion. He has collected some of the world’s rarest plants—including one previously […]