FRUITS Archives - Gardening Tips & Tricks - From Seed To Crop Sat, 06 Nov 2021 22:02:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 FRUITS Archives - 32 32 152612528 Mistakes When You Prune Tomatoes Sat, 06 Nov 2021 22:01:57 +0000 To prune or not to prune…? This is somewhat a contentious issue among tomato growers with both sides advancing strong reasons for or against the practice. There is still a third group of growers who straddle both sides of the divide with the view that, like most things in life, the most satisfactory answers can […]

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What Is June Drop: What Causes June Fruit Drop Sat, 30 May 2020 10:37:33 +0000 If you are just getting started with a home orchard, you may be very upset to see miniature apples, plums or other fruits scattered beneath your healthy trees in May and June. This is actually a common phenomenon called June fruit drop. What is June drop? What causes it? A combination of factors results in […]

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Australia: New mango varieties hit shelves after a frustrating wait Thu, 20 Feb 2020 16:56:58 +0000 New mango varieties grown on a north Queensland farm have been given the taste test for the first time, with retail trials passing the first hurdle. Young trees on farmer Brad Bowen’s orchard at Brandon, 60 kilometers from Townsville were among those to produce their first successful commercial crop. While the colors of the fruit […]

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Tomato Plants Not Setting Fruit? Here’s Why Sun, 19 Jan 2020 23:28:56 +0000 Are you getting tomato plant blossoms but no tomatoes? Several factors can lead to a lack of fruit setting, such as temperature, irregular watering practices and poor growing conditions. You don’t need two plants in order to produce fruit either—this is a popular misconception. Big blooms/Lush foliage, but no tomato fruit – Why? 1.Insufficient light […]

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Scientists Gene-Edited Tomatoes to Make Them Grow Like Grapes Mon, 23 Dec 2019 22:06:29 +0000 Researchers in the United States developed gene-edited tomato plants that bunched like grapes, which can soon be growing in a storage unit, on the roof of a skyscraper or even in space. The study published on Monday in the journal Nature Biotechnology described the plants resembling a bouquet with bunched, compact cherry tomatoes. Made using […]

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Preparing Fruit Trees for Winter Tue, 19 Nov 2019 22:30:08 +0000 Before winter comes, take time to prepare your fruit trees. This includes giving them protection from cold temperatures, rodents, infections and even the sun. Mulching Mulching fruit trees with a thick layer of organic material will protect the roots from severe cold weather. Because fruit trees naturally grow by the edge of forests where the soil […]

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Baking Soda Can Successfully Remove Up To 96% Of Pesticides From Fruits And Vegetables Tue, 12 Nov 2019 21:03:59 +0000 Baking soda is a wonderful ingredient with so many brilliant and effective uses. Baking soda removes up to 96 percent of pesticides from fruit and vegetables, new research reveals. When mixed with water and gently rubbed on apple skins, it eradicates nearly all the residual pesticide left on the fruit within 15 minutes. It has […]

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Pruning Avocado Trees Grown In Pots Mon, 26 Aug 2019 16:38:21 +0000 The average outdoor avocado tree can grow to be 40 to 80 feet tall. However, you can enjoy a smaller version of this beautiful tree inside your home. With just the seeds from the avocados you have eaten, you can grow an avocado as a houseplant indoors. Here you can read more about how to […]

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Mistakes When Growing Avocados Wed, 21 Aug 2019 22:09:33 +0000 Avocados are so delicious, so it can be disappointing when your tree fails to grow and produce fruit. The three species of avocados that are commercially grown are Persea nubigena var. guatamalensis, Persea americana var. drymifolia and Persea americana var. americana, all hardy in USDA zones 10 through 11. There are a few mistakes people make that cause avocado […]

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5 Container Gardening Tricks Tue, 20 Aug 2019 20:58:56 +0000 If you don’t have enough space for a big garden, don’t worry, you can still grow your favorite vegetables, fruits and flowers in containers. It may be a bit challenging to do, but you can use some tricks to get the best out of your container garden. The most common way to start your container […]

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