Warning signs An article from Proven Winners demonstrates that the essential issue with overwatering has to do with the roots. The root of the plant is its life saver. Without healthy roots, the plant can’t take in supplements and develop. An excess of water will cover the roots and make it impossible for them to […]
Category: FLOWERS
16 Houseplants You Can Grow In Water –
Growing houseplants in water is an incredible activity for the amateur gardener as well as for the experienced one. People with small space or an abhorrence for messy soil can also find this way of growing more up their ally. This method for growing plants is not only low maintenance, but disease and pest resistant. […]
Why Do Houseplant Leaves Turn Brown On The Tips?
When houseplants get brown tips on their leaves, it’s generally an indication of poor watering habits. The best way to water a houseplant is to thoroughly flush it until water runs freely out the drainage holes. Shallow watering can cause brown tips on the leaves. But, brown tips are also an indication of lack of […]
Organic Secret Trick To Grow The Most Beautiful Roses
Roses are a standout amongst the most wonderful flowers you can find in gardens all over the world. Yet the odds are you aren’t using this little organic trick to enable you to enjoy the most beautiful, vivid, plentiful roses! Epsom salt is a true fortune for organic gardeners. What can epsom salt do for […]
5 Most Important Rules For The Care Of Indoor Plants In Winter
1. Indoor plants feeding Houseplants should not be kept in a place that it’s too cold, but not too warm eather. The ideal room temperature should range between 15 ° C and 20 ° C. If you have provided this room temperature to your houseplants, it’s time to stop with the feeding for most of […]
6 Mistakes You’re Making With Your Houseplants
Keep your houseplants happy and healthy with these tips 1. Choosing the wrong plants You have to choose plants for the growing conditions in your region. Not all plants can develop inside and not every single indoor plant can develop anyplace you put them. Indoor plants have their own needs in order to thrive. The best […]
Exotic Bush From Mexico: Shrimp Plant Is A Wonderful Floral Bush For Your Garden Or Terrace
An unusual plant comes from Mexico, the shrimp plant or Beloperone guttata. If you like warm colors, you will love this floral bush as a decoration for your balcony or garden. This is an interesting indoor plant, due to the gentle crimson-colored top leaves, it is an evergreen shrub that rarely grows more than 3 or 4 […]
Tips For Growing Thanksgiving Cactus
Thanksgiving cactus blooms around November. The Thanksgiving holiday cactus is a simple to grow indoor plant. Both Christmas and Thanksgiving cacti belong to the Schlumbergera genus and are local to the tropical woodlands of Brazil. They are appealing plants regularly sold and given as a gift for the holidays but at the same time are […]
This Is The Corpse Flower, The Biggest Flower In The World: A Tropical Plant That Blooms Once In Ten Years!
The giant flower Amorphophallus titanum is a very rare flower, and its flower spreads a terrible scent, but it does not prevent lovers of spectacular plants from visiting botanical gardens! In the botanical garden in New York it bloomed on June 28, 2018. the smelliest flower in the world Amorphophallus titanum, which is known by […]
5 Ways To Revive A Dying Plant
If you have a plant that is dying, there may be something you can do. Don’t give up just yet! Try some of this solutions and maybe you will be able to save your favorite plant. Location Ensure its in the correct spot and getting the sun or shade it requires. Each plant needs to […]