
Sniffing Rosemary Can Increase Memory By 75%

Rosemary is an astonishing multi-purpose herb. Its leaves have been utilized in traditional medicine for a long time. Rosemary has been known for improving memory. In old Greece, the students would frequently put rosemary sprigs in their hair when studying for tests. Rosemary can improve your memory. Researchers have found for the first time that […]


10 Things You Are Doing That Are Killing Your Houseplants

1. Ignoring the instructions What’s the absolute best way to avoid a dead houseplant? Read and follow the care instructions of course! These will tell you everything you need to know about your plant; its needs and preferences in terms of food, water, light and more. You’ve read the booklet and are still stumped? Consider if […]


Tips For Growing Healthy Succulents

1. Feed the soil Growing plants in soil will in time exhaust its supplements. If you want your soil to keep your plants healthy, you’ll have to provide it with some nutrition every once in a while. Succulents planted in the ground most likely won’t require fertilizer, however the ones in pots will. All fertilizers […]


7 Gardening Hacks With Plastic Bottles

1. Water reservoir You’ll utilize the half of the plastic bottle with the top. Puncture an opening through the top with a nail, and screw the top on. Embed the bottle half into the ground at the base of a plant, so the top is in the ground, and the opening is facing the sky. […]


Plant Once And Harvest For Years

There are vegetables you can plant once and enjoy them forever. You can have your garden, however with less effort than common. Some organizing is required for best results. Find a bright site for the garden and set up the soil so it is a sound bed for the plants. Facilitate the plants you buy […]


Marvelous Solutions For Indoor Plants

Want to make your indoor plants bloom often and lavishly? Take the advice of experienced florists. These useful recommendations will help you to grow a beautiful flower garden in your home. The secret of a rich room garden is simple: the plants flourish even more beautiful and luxuriant, they should receive supplemental feeding. How to properly prepare […]


Here Is Why You Should Never Throw Away Watermelon Rind And Seeds

Watermelon rind The traditional summer fruit is the watermelon. During this time, you can buy juicy watermelons at almost every step. But most people are accustomed to eating only the sweet interior, and to throw the rind. It is a pity to throw the rind, because in this part of the watermelon there are vitamins […]


6 Clever Gardening Hacks

1. Insulate tomatoes with plastic wrap Tomatoes thrive in stagnant, hot weather. So if  the weather in your area is neither. It takes extra effort to make warm weather plants produce fruit. Wrapping the bottom two rungs of the tomato cage with plastic wrap simulates a greenhouse. The heat is trapped inside the plastic wrap […]

baking soda

Natural Uses For Baking Soda In The Garden

1. Discourage Weeds Pour or clear baking soda in a thick layer into cracks on a walkway or patio. The baking soda should kill any little weeds already sprouted and keep new ones from coming up. 2. Kill Cabbage Worms Mix equals parts flour and baking soda and clean the plants (cabbage, broccoli, kale) which are being […]