
My Houseplant Stopped Growing – Now What?

Why isn’t my houseplant growing? It’s frustrating when an indoor plant isn’t growing, and figuring out what’s causing the problem can be tricky. However, if you watch your plants carefully, you’ll eventually begin to understand their particular needs. In the meantime, here are some tips for troubleshooting a stunted houseplant Reasons Why Your Houseplant Stopped Growing […]


Plants Found Eating Salamanders in Canada

In what is believed to be a first in North America, researchers in Canada have found a carnivorous plant consuming salamanders in Ontario’s Algonquin Park wetlands. Carnivorous plants can still photosynthesize, but to make sure they get enough nutrients, they’ve also evolved a variety of tactics to capture small prey like insects and spiders. Some catch their victims in sticky […]

Pesticides: Should you use them?

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the government body that regulates pesticides in the U.S., a pesticide is any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating any pest. Though often misunderstood to refer only to insecticides, the term pesticide also applies to herbicides, fungicides, and various other substances used […]


15 Heat Resistant Summer Vegetables for Hot Climates

You live in a hot climate area and want to grow something that is resistant and won’t die in the summer? You can always count on these 15 crops to withstand the heat and produce through the summers, no matter how hot it gets. Hear Resistant Vegetables Corn  Corn will actually grow more enthusiastically when […]


Lowe’s Offering Free Garden-To-Go Kits Every Thursday Starting April 8

Beginning April 8, the home improvement store will be giving away family project kits every Thursday. The complete dates and free items are: April 8: Recipes from professional cook and food stylist Amanda Frederickson. April 15: Lowe’s Mystery Garden Pinata with mystery seed packets. April 22: 500,000 tree saplings April 29: Lowe’s Butterfly Quest to create a butterfly garden. […]


Student Creates Ingenious Solar Panels Made From Food Waste

A Philippines college student has invented solar windows that convert food waste into energy. Carvey Maigue developed AuREUS as a way to bring energy to those in need and fight climate change. The Mapúa University student is the Sustainability Winner of The James Dyson Award 2020 for his efforts. A resin is derived from certain […]