
How To Grow A Bougainvillea In The Garden

Bougainvillea in the garden offers green foliage year-round and brilliant “blooms” in summer. Growing bougainvillea in gardens requires some effort, but these tropical and subtropical woody vines are worth it.

Bougainvillea can grow anywhere from 1′ to 8′ to 30′, depending on the species or variety. There are actually quite a few dwarf bougainvilleas on the market now if you don’t want one the maintenance that goes along with one that grows to 25′. In the warmth and full sun that it loves, bougainvillea is fast growing after it gets established.

Growing bougainvillea in gardens

Bougainvillea are thorny, evergreen summer bloomers, but their orange, yellow, crimson or purple flowers are actually modified leaves called bracts. The bracts surround the actual flowers that are tiny and white.

To start growing bougainvillea in gardens, you’ll need to live somewhere warm; otherwise, container growing of bougainvillea is recommended. The plants thrive in USDA hardiness zone 10-11, and will also grow in zone 9 with adequate protection. They are extremely drought-resistant and thrive in almost any well-draining soil.

How to grow a bougainvillea vine is easy once you know the basics. When you plant bougainvillea in the garden, you need to learn the ins and outs of caring for bougainvillea vines. Care for this plant takes less effort if you select the optimal site. Place these woody vines in a site with full sun and well-draining soil. It needs at least 6 hours of full sun a day to flower profusely and to achieve its vibrant colors.

Although bougainvillea vines tolerate many types of soil, they prefer loamy soil that contains clay, sand, and silt in equal parts. Amend it with organic matter to allow nutrients to easily reach the roots. For the best care, select a soil with a pH of just over 6.

Plant care

Gardeners caring for bougainvillea in the garden don’t need to worry much about water once the plants mature. Irrigate only when the plants start to wilt and the soil is dry. If you water too much it will result in more green growth and fewer flowers. The vines do need food however. Fertilize your bougainvillea every month in spring and early summer.

You’ll want to use a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer at half the normal dosage. Pruning is part of the work if you are caring for bougainvillea in the garden. Keep your eye out for dead wood and remove it as it appears. Save severe cutbacks for a time after it has flowered.

You can prune late in fall or very early in spring. Pinching is a gentler form of pruning that works well for this plant. Pinch off the soft, growing tips of young plant stems to encourage thicker, fuller growth.

Support – Training

The taller growing bougainvilleas need strong support and require training and to be tied. They aren’t attaching or twining vines. Make sure the ties you use are strong and that you tie them well – some of their branches get to be good-sized.

They can be trained on a trellis, over an arbor, on a fence or across a structure. The lower growing varieties are suited to be hedges, ground covers, and free-form shapes.


Post Author: Igor

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