
Two Mexicans Create Vegan Leather Made From Cactus

Two young Mexicans have created an alternative to leather, the first of its kind, with nopal (prickly pear) cactus. The two friends, Adrián López Velarde and Marte Cázares, say they long shared a mutual goal of quitting their jobs to do something a bit more meaningful. They recently launched Desserto, an organic alternative to leather made out entirely of the cactus plant synonymous to their native country.

“The earth’s natural resources are under pressure, and the fashion industry, although not the most obvious contributor, is a considerable one,” says López Velarde. “It mattered to us to make a line focused on sustainability to address the environmental problems we all face.”

They introduced their product in October at Lineapelle, an international leather fair in Milan. The fake leather, called Desserto, is partially biodegradable and organic, says López Velarde.

How does the cactus become leather?

The company uses only the plant’s mature leaves, a method  that López Velarde says preserves the cactus and allows for a new harvest to take place every six to eight months. After cutting the leaves, they are dried under the sun for three days and processed.

Its flexibility, breathability, and durability of at least 10 years make the cactus leather able to replace the use of animal leather and synthetic materials that are not environmentally friendly.

“Also, thanks to its organic composition, it is breathable, which makes cactus or nopal vegan leather similar to animal leather.”

They’re hoping their new creation is used to replace other leather goods used in furniture as well as the automotive industry.

Video source: Ruptly YouTube Channel


Post Author: Igor

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