Effects Of Fire On Plants

Most vegetative survival involves the protection of tissue from heat which would otherwise destroy it. Fire resistance and tolerance is exhibited through: bark thickness, other vegetative insulation, above-ground re-sprouting, underground roots and stems.

Bark thickness

Thick bark insulates and protects the cambium from heat and damage.

Vegetative insulation

Some protection is afforded by leaf sheaths. Grasses have meristems at leaf base so are protected from heat and damage in this way. Pandanus also receives some protection from leaf sheaths. Fire acts as a generalist herbivore removing plant material above the ground surface, thus enabling new herbaceous growth.

Above ground re-sprouting

While many trees are killed by total defoliation following a fire, some can re-sprout from epicormic buds, which are buds positioned beneath the bark. Eucalyptus trees are known for their ability to vegetatively regenerate branches along their trunks from buds. This is because epicormic buds of Eucalyptus trees are more protected than on other tree species because they are set much deeper at maximum bark thickness (Burrows 2002). The ability to survive and re-sprout depends on tree height, scorch and char heights, but also tree species, age, size (height) and the severity of the fire.

Ladder fires running up the trunks of these Melaleuca trees might look impressive but they can stimulate regrowth from epicormic buds and do not pose a threat to the trees.

Below-ground roots and underground stems

Because soil is a good insulator, buds underground are well protected. Plants can survive fires by re-sprouting from basal stems, and also from roots and horizontal rhizomes.

Fire Resistant and Retardant Plants

These plants have been found to provide some degree of protection during bushfires.

The lists were compiled by Mr Neil Marriott based on the experiences of APS Victoria members, many of whom have properties in fire-prone areas which have been affected by bushfires.

Take a look at the list here.


Post Author: Igor

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