
Australia – Burned Bush Springs Back To Life Just Weeks After Being Destroyed

Incredible photos have revealed the resilience of the nation’s wildlife as bushfires ravage Australia. The new life has offered a sense of hope in an otherwise emotional time for many coping with the impacts of the fires.

Two photographers on the New South Wales Central Coast, Mary Voorwinde and Murray Lowe captured the images that give back hope.

Murray Lowe snapped the shots in the Kulnara area in Australia on Monday and posted them on Facebook.

“Ventured out into the fire grounds today to capture some images of how the Aussie bush responds to fire, and the way it regenerates itself and comes back to life,” Mr Lowe wrote in his post.

“Even without any rain, life bursts through the burnt bark from the heart of the trees and the life cycle begins again.”

“It’s so heartening to see the bush coming back to life again,” he wrote.

Ms Voorwinde captioned her post with an emotional message describing the sense of hope she felt after seeing the new life. 

With all that is lost in nature, there is hope of life again.

Ms Voorwinde said it was truly a symbol of hope in among all the images of dead wildlife and burnt out homes. 

“I wanted to show that nature was saying it’s going to be okay.”

The ‘Three Mile’ fire burnt 45,944 hectares outside Kulnara before being controlled by fire authorities.

The Port Macquarie Koala Hospital has also shared a series of photos in the aftermath of the fires on the mid-north coast of New South Wales.

The region was one of the first to be hit by high temperatures and catastrophic fires in early November. Photos capture regrowth around the Bril Bril State Forest.

Post Author: Igor

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