
Scottish Farmer Discovers 5,000-Year-Old Lost City

A farmer from Scotland discovered something amazing about ancient Scotland buried in the sand dunes of one of the northernmost islands of the country. He found a large stone that didn’t look like it belonged in its environment.

When the farmer inspected the stone, he got quite a surprise. Underneath the stone was Skara Brae, a hidden, lost, neolithic city that existed as much as 5,000 years ago. The farmer thought it was a house at first because it looked rather small to be a city. But after showing people what he had found, the farmer soon realized that it was the lost city after all. What he thought it was a house, it was actually a passageway that appeared to be a part of an entire labyrinth of rooms and corridors.

Since the city had been covered by the sand dunes, it remained preserved for centuries until the farmer found it, untouched and hidden by other humans.

Though only eight houses now remain, it is believed the settlement was once much larger. When it was an active city, it is believed that it had about 50 to 100 people in it. That might not seem like a lot, but it sure is for a city back in those days when the population of people was much less.

There are still questions to be answered about this hidden city and its people. Nevertheless, there is so much we can learn from ancient cities like this!


Post Author: Igor

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