
How To ‘Read’ The Leaves And Know What Is Wrong With Your Plant

Plants require certain conditions to thrive. A lack of sunlight (or too much), too much water (or too little), and bugs are a few things that can turn your plant from stunning to sickly in a snap. Check out a few reasons why your plant may not be thriving and what are its leaves telling you.


If your plant starts to look droopy and tired, it may not be getting enough sunlight. Sun helps the plant produce the food it needs to grow. Make sure your plant is getting enough sun by moving it to a brighter location.


It’s usually pretty obvious when your plant isn’t getting enough water, but you can overwater a plant too. Look for leaves that are yellowing and wilted. Try repotting your plant in soil with better drainage and water a little less.


Bugs can do a surprising amount of damage. You’ll notice bugs living on the leaves and may even see holes where the bugs ate. Try spraying your plant with insecticide.


In addition to water and sunlight, your plant may need a boost of minerals to put more perk in their leaves. Common deficiencies include potassium, zinc, nitrogen and iron. Yellowing on the edges, or light discoloration all over the leaf are signs your plants may be lacking one or more minerals.

Plants need a mix of micro and macronutrients to thrive. These nutrients are essential for healthy plant growth. Macronutrients like calcium, sulfer, magnesium, and nitrogen can be found in lime and/or natural composts.

Plants need micronutrients like boron, copper, iron, chloride, and zinc to grow. Adding a bit of lawn clippings to your plants will provide enough micronutrients.

The most important thing is to watch your plants and monitor them for small changes so you can adjust the water, sunlight or nutrient levels at the first sign of trouble.

Post Author: Igor

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