
Farmers Are Fighting Pests With Wildflowers Instead Of Chemicals

The use of pesticides has proven to drastically affect the environment in a negative way. So many farmers are returning to ancient, environmentally friendly approaches to fight off pests. One method is the Biological Pest Control Method. It basically means that you would plant flower strips that deter pests naturally with the assistance of pest-eating insects.

The usual farming methods have used pesticides as a way to control pests and other insects that could interfere with the development and profit of agricultural crops. One significant concern is that pesticides are having a negative impact on bee populations.

Also, they may negatively affect the health of the farmers. As time goes by, pests increase their ability to resist pesticides with continued exposure.

This new method will hopefully fight pests more naturally

Planting wildflowers around the crops is actually an old practice that consists of growing flowers in and around farms. The flower beds provide a home for beneficial pest-predators such as wasps (they eat aphids and aphid larvae).

The flower strips being planted are known as a “bug highway.” They are planted in between the crops. When mixed with herbs, studies have shown that these flower strips are effective in reducing the leaf damage associated with crops.

However, this method does not entirely eliminate the presence of some pests on crops. The method does, however, contribute to a pest population that is reduced to the point that they will not significantly harm crop growth.

Take a look at this video:

Video source: GrowVeg YouTube Channel

Post Author: Igor

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