
Novak Djokovic – World’s Number 1 Tennis Player Takes Up Gardening

Novak Djokovic, the best tennis player in the world, shared several interesting photos with his followers on Instagram and Facebook, as well as thoughts on his experience of potato harvesting in a small Serbian town, Brzeche.

The potato season in Brzeche is in full swing, so Novak Djokovic decided to help the locals. He put a bag of potatoes on his back and collects potatoes around the field as he collects Grand Slams and points in tennis tournaments. As you might expect, Novak did a great job.

Djokovic is relaxing and recovering in Serbia after his injury at the US Open tournament. He used his vacation in Brzeche to rest his body and soul and to prepare for the new season. And according to his Facebook post, he seems to be enjoying himself.

Thankful for this humbling experience in Brzeće. These people are kind, genuine, hard working.. My heart is full from reviving some childhood memories. I keep on meeting people that have been part of my growing up and have helped me live my dream as a tennis player. Very grateful and touched. And I got a few free potatoes as well for effort. @ Brzece

Novak Djokovic on Facebook


Post Author: Igor

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