
Leonardo DiCaprio’s New Environmental Fund Pledges $5 Million In Aid Amid Amazon Fires

The famous actor and philanthropist Leonardo DiCaprio has announced that his environmental charity called Earth Alliance (created by DiCaprio himself, businesswoman and philanthropist Laurene Powell Jobs, and investor and philanthropist Brian Sheth), will be donating $5 million to the preservation of the Amazon rainforest.

The organization was formed with the purpose of preserving nature, supporting renewable energy and protecting indigenous rights. Now, it is reportedly working with local partners and indigenous communities to protect the Amazon ecosystem.

Amazon forest fund

The new organisation’s emergency Amazon Forest Fund is working to support local partners and indigenous communities in their efforts to protect the sensitive habitats within the Amazon, reports

The money will be donated directly to five local organizations: the Instituto Associacao Floresta Protegida (Kayapo), the Coordination of the Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon (COIAB), the Instituto Kabu (Kayapo), the Instituto Raoni (Kayapo) and the Instituto Socioambiental (ISA).

More than 72,000 fires have been reported by Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE) which is a drastic increase from last years number of 40,000 fires. Any type of help counts. This is a disaster that is affecting the entire world.

“The largest rainforest in the world is a critical piece of the global climate solution. Without the Amazon, we cannot keep the Earth’s warming in check,” DiCaprio had written on Instagram.

When he announced the initiative on his Instagram account, DiCaprio promised that 100% of the donations will be going to the selected charities.

You can donate here


Post Author: Igor

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