
Don’t Throw Away Banana Peels – 7 Effective Ways To Use Them In The Garden

There are actually some useful ways to reuse the banana peels you’ve been throwing away. You can help boost your garden’s health and nutrients. It’s easy, free and you can do this year-round in your vegetable garden, as well as in your houseplants. Here are some of the ways you can use banana peel to help your plants:

1.Plant them directly in your garden

Simply cut up the peel into 1/4-inch pieces and place them either below your plants before you plant them (make sure they don’t get in the way of the roots), or just below the surface.By cutting up the peel, you start the decomposing process. As this plant decays, it is going to release some useful vitamins and nutrients for your new plants.

2. Toss banana peels in the compost

Banana peels are a great starting point for your compost pile. Start with your banana peels, and then begin adding all your other scraps to create super-rich compost.

3. Plant the whole peel

This is probably the most obvious option, and it works well. Dig a trench 4 or more inches deep. Lay your peel out flat, fill it up a bit with dirt and plant your seeds. As your plant’s roots grow and the peel decomposes, the roots will get access to the nourishment from peels.

4. Insect trap

Soak a cut-up banana peel with apple cider vinegar and place it in a plastic container. The container should have holes on top, just big enough to let a bug inside. The smell will draw them in and the solution will trap them. It’s a great nontoxic option for your garden.

5. Dry and ground up for fertilizer

Dry out your peels, ground them up and sprinkle the nutrient-rich powder on soil before planting for an added boost of nutrients.

See also: Using teabags in the garden

6. Banana peel tea

Stick a peel in a container filled with water and leave it for two days. After that pour it over your plants. The supplements from this tea animate your plants and give them an additional lift.

7. Fertilizer spray

It’s essentially a banana peel spray, however with something extra. Stir up squashed eggshells to use the calcium from them and Epsom salt for magnesium in a spray bottle. Use it to give your garden plants and house plants a new dose of healthy nutrients.


Post Author: Igor

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