
6 Mistakes People Make With Indoor Plants

1. Not knowing where your plant comes from

It is best to know the origin of your plant in order to know the climate it’s used to. For instance, cacti and succulents love dry soil since they come from the dry, desert, regions of the world. Most other indoor plants are tropical varieties, which means they like moist soil and humid air. This is maybe the main difference you should keep in mind when you decide what kind of care your plant needs.

2. Moving your indoor plants often

Keeping your plant secure in one place is essential for it to adapt to its new habitat. Some changes can be disruptive to the plant’s balance (re-potting, changing room etc). If your plant shows no sign of dissatisfaction, the best thing you can do is to leave it be.

Also, consider that steep variations in temperature or humidity can be unfavorable. 

3. Overwatering your indoor plants

Too much love and care is one of the most common reasons why plants die, and it is mainly due to overwatering. Every plant needs different amount of water, at different frequency. Cacti and succulents prefer dry soil. Cacti can survive for months without water, while most succulents thrive with as little as a monthly watering. If you water these indoor plants more often, at the same intervals as some tropical varieties, they will not survive.

4. Too much (direct) sunlight

Every plant needs light, however every plant has its specific needs when it comes to how much light it needs. Only cacti and some succulents which have a higher tolerance to direct sunlight can be exposed. Most of the varieties are not so fond of direct, bright light. Direct sunlight is too harsh. For most species, indirect sunlight is best because it’s softer.

5. You don’t check the roots

The roots are the feeding organ of the plant, so it’s essential to keep them healthy. If the roots outgrow the pot, it may caused the roots to die and soon the whole plant will lose its vitality.

Take the plant off its pot and cut out the dead tips of the roots that have outgrown the pot. Repot your plant into a larger pot and feed with fertilizer. Add small stones or gravel at the bottom of the pot for drainage. It is best to check the roots once a month or at least twice a year depending on the growth rate of your plant.

6. Too much maintenance

Many indoor plants are actually hard to kill and require very little attention (again, cacti and succulents are one of those). There are also some other tropical varieties with the same attributes: Dieffenbachia, Areca Palm, Ficus, Peace Lily, Shamrrock…

For more demanding specimens, you can get the help of smart tools. Self-watering pots and gadgets is one example. These modern tools and pots now can tell you what your plant needs and when. Some will even water it automatically.

Post Author: Igor

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