
Why Are Leaves Falling Off Your Houseplants

Isn’t it so disappointing when this happens!? There are a number of possible reasons for this problem, so it is not so easy to diagnose it.

What to do when leaves are falling off houseplants?

Even healthy houseplants drop leaves from time to time – especially the lower leaves. However, if leaves falling from houseplants aren’t replaced by healthy ones, consider the following possibilities:

Environmental changes

Many plants are extremely sensitive about changes in their environment, including drastic differences in temperature, light or irrigation. This often happens when outdoor plants are moved indoors for the winter, or after a plant is repotted. Sometimes, even when it’s moved to a different room. Often houseplant leaf drop due to environmental changes is temporary and the plant will rebound.


Often, excessive heat or cold drafts can provoke a houseplant to drop leaves. Keep plants away from drafty doors and windows. Be careful of placing plants on windowsills, which may be too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter. Also, keep plants away from fireplaces, air conditioners and heat vents.

Lack of nutrients

If you notice leaves are turning yellow before they fall, the plant may be lacking certain nutrients. Fertilize regularly during spring and summer using a product formulated for indoor plants.


Certain plants are prone to leaf drop when the air is very dry. A humidity tray with a layer of wet pebbles is one effective way to rectify low humidity.


The problem may be due to either over-watered or under-watering. Although some indoor plants like consistently moist (but never soggy) soil, most plants shouldn’t be watered until the top of the potting mix feels slightly dry. Use lukewarm water, as very cold water may cause houseplant leaf drop, especially during the winter months.

Post Author: Igor

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