
Homemade Fertilizer For Orchids – Get Them To Bloom In Just 14 Days

One time or another, every orchid owner will face the problem when their favorite plant stubbornly refuses to bloom, although it has many bright green leaves and grows well. In this case you need to help your orchid to bloom. One way to achieve bloom is to water the flower with garlic and water.

Everyone knows about the beneficial properties of garlic. But not everyone knows that it is a great assistant in caring for various colorful plants, especially the orchids. Garlic improves the root system of flowers, stimulates growth and helps fight pests.

If the orchid is healthy (the leaves grow and you do not see any trace of pests) but firmly refuses to bloom – then you need this recipe.


  • 500 ml. water
  • 6 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 an aspirin

Dissolve the aspirin in warm water. Scratch or press the garlic. When the liquid cools down, add it to the garlic. Put the liquid in a glass jar. Leave it to sit for 24 hours.

Before watering, dilute the infusion made with garlic in hot water. Do not worry about the unpleasant smell of garlic, it disappears after a few hours, and the orchids get the best from everything that is concentrated in the mixture.

See also: We All Have It At Home: A Drink Which Will Help The Orchids Rebuild Their Flowers

This method should not be used more than a couple times a month, as well as in the period of plant latency or blossoming. If done properly, a new stem should appear within 14 days.

Post Author: Igor

5 thoughts on “Homemade Fertilizer For Orchids – Get Them To Bloom In Just 14 Days


    (May 18, 2019 - 2:37 pm)

    How much should one dilute before spraying on the orchids?


    (June 3, 2019 - 6:15 am)

    Can you please advise the amount it has to be diluted with … do you water or spray the orchids. How many orchids can be sprayed with this mixture and how often do you need to repeat this.

    Thank you so much


    (July 31, 2019 - 1:02 am)

    What is the dilution before spraying? To spray on the leaves or roots or all over the entire plant?

      Ahmed Adamu

      (August 16, 2019 - 9:04 pm)

      My mangoes seedlings planted for now seven months they’re not growing


    (November 19, 2019 - 5:06 am)

    I dont have asperin. Will it be ok tonjust isenthe garlic and water?

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