
Watering Your Vegetable Garden The Right Way

Water is a vital part of your garden’s success, and watering incorrectly can cause a lot of problems. Here are some tips on how to water your garden properly and save water.

1. Water at the right time

A big difference makes to how much moisture your plants take up. Watering early in the morning gives the plants time to absorb the moisture before it evaporates in the heat of the day. Any water that gets on the foliage will also have enough time to dry off before nightfall, minimizing the risk from slugs and fungal diseases.

2. Aim carefully

If you’re watering by hand, be sure to aim the flow of water at the base of the plants where it’s needed. A really good soaking every now and then is better than little and often, and will encourage a more extensive root system.

3. Irrigate efficiently

If you need to robotize watering, settle on drip irrigation system or broken hoses over sprinklers. These kinds of water system convey water nearer to the ground with the goal that less is wasted.

4. Water selectively

Watering by hand implies you can be specific about which plants you water. Only water in the event that they truly need it. You can check for soil dampness at root level in case you’re uncertain by digging a small hole with a trowel, or simply by poking your finger in. If the soil is cool and damp, skip that plant.

5. Collect rainwater

Collecting rainwater saves drinking water and it is also better for your plants. Collect water off your roof, greenhouse and shed into water barrels close to where you’ll need the water.

6. Add organic matter

Soils that are rich in organic matter retain moisture all the more effectively so include well-rotted compost or manure to beds at whatever you get the opportunity. Include more slender layers in summer so you can fork it in and replant. Add thicker layers over winter.

7. Mulch regularly

Laying mulch over soil drastically moderates evaporation. You can use landscape fabrics, or pebbles and stones on pots, but the best mulches are of well-rotted organic matter such as compost which will also help feed the plants as they develop. Lay mulches something like two inches (5cm) thick onto damp soil. Coarser mulches, for example, bark chippings enable water to drain through more effectively. Keep mulches all through summer.

8. Get rid of weeds

Weeds among your vegetables mean challenge for soil dampness, so keep them at bay. Yearly weeds can simply be hoed off and left on the dirt surface, however take the time to dig out the roots of more pernicious perennials such as bindweed or ground elder.

Source: www.growveg.com

Post Author: Igor

1 thought on “Watering Your Vegetable Garden The Right Way

    Debbie Williams

    (April 11, 2019 - 8:02 pm)

    I was so happy to get some recipes from your site and also toe read about how plants can live in shady areas since I grew up with my grandmother always having a garden in the sun and also so helpful to read about when is the best time to water your garden. This is a very help website. Thank you

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