
Marvelous Solutions For Indoor Plants

Want to make your indoor plants bloom often and lavishly? Take the advice of experienced florists. These useful recommendations will help you to grow a beautiful flower garden in your home.

The secret of a rich room garden is simple: the plants flourish even more beautiful and luxuriant, they should receive supplemental feeding.

How to properly prepare solutions for the nutrition of plants:

1. All plants like sugar

Practically all plants like sugar and for the cacti it is a favorite candy. Before watering, you can sprinkle on the soil one tsp sugar, or you can also dilute one tsp of sugar in the water (one teaspoon of sugar in one cup of water).

Ficus, for example, can be watered once a month with sweet water. In one liter of water add one teaspoon of sugar. Ficus leaves can be wiped with milk. This will contribute to the splendor and beauty of the plants.

Milk is, otherwise, very useful for plants. Some people even inject milk with a syringe directly in the stem of the plant.

2. Feed the plants with castor oil

In one liter of water, stored for several days days, add one teaspoon of castor oil. Seal the bottle and shake well. Castor oil should be well dissolved and mixed with the water, so it doesn’t burn the roots of plants. Immediately after stirring, water the plants, until the oil is not raised.

If the plant blooms such a top-dressing is sufficient once a year . If the plant is flowering continuously, it is necessary to receive supplemental feeding once a month.

3. Wonderful solution for the helpless flowers

All that is needed for this solution is water and egg shells. The eggshells are covered with the water, and you should leave them like that five to seven days at room temperature. From time to time, stir well. After that, use the solution to water the flowers.

4. Reinforce the immunity of the potted plants with aspirin solution

One tablet of 300 mg should be dissolved in one liter of water. After that, spray the plants.

5. Use pomegranate peel

Take pomegranate peel or any other citrus, and pour water over it. Leave it like that for the night. This is all! The nutrient solution for watering of the plants is ready.

6. Save the plants from pests

If you notice that your plants start to wilt inexplicably – the cause may be tiny pests, which are difficult to see with the naked eye.

In this case, you will find the next trick helpful: For its implementation you will need only a few ordinary matches. Simply insert their heads in the ground, at a distance of 5 cm from the edge of the pot, and then water the plant. After 2 days, replace them with new matches, and after two days the pests will disappear.

From now on you do not have to water indoor plants with insecticides. The phosphorus and sulfur, which are part of the match head, will penetrate the soil and will free the plant from uninvited guests.

To prevent mold, use copper coins. Put a few coins into the soil around the plant, and copper will destroy all the fungal spores.

Post Author: Igor

4 thoughts on “Marvelous Solutions For Indoor Plants

    Janey Rojo

    (February 23, 2019 - 2:52 am)

    Thank you for sharing ..I will definitely keep you posted on what happens to my plant/s.


      (February 23, 2019 - 3:44 pm)

      Thank you. We are eagerly waiting you to tell us the outcome with your plants.

    Janey Rojo

    (February 23, 2019 - 4:55 am)

    Pls let me know what Helpless flowers mean. Do you mean those plants that incessantly flowers and messes up the surroundings?
    Appreciate your comment/reply on this matter soon.
    Thank you again


      (February 23, 2019 - 3:42 pm)

      Hi Janey, by Helpless flowers I mean – those flowers that don’t make any progress for a long time: don’t grow as well as they should, don’t produce flowers or are even beginning drooping.

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