
DIY – How To Make Your Own Cool Moss Graffiti

Experimenting with the perfect formula that allows you to make your walls green with moss and choose the shape you want. All you need to get started is:

moss graffiti
  • a can of beer or 2 cups of water
  • 2 cups of buttermilk or not flavored yogurt
  • half a teaspoon of sugar
  • few clumps of moss
  • plastic container
  • blender and brush

Piece of art in your garden in few easy steps

moss graffiti

First you need to take a walk in the garden and find a garden moss.Gather moss from pavement, damp bricks, cement walkway, etc. Moss from the woods doesn’t work as well and should be left in the wild. If there is no moss on the walks and walls where you live, the moss milk probably won’t work in that climate.

Wash the moss and put the it in the blender. Add the beer/water, buttermilk or not flavored yogurt and the sugar in the moss, and mix with the blender until it becomes a beautiful creamy mixture. It should have the texture of paint. You can use corn syrup to reach the desired consistency.

Then pour the mixture in the plastic container and go to the place where you want to make your graffiti. It is best to make graffiti on a wall that is facing north.

moss graffiti

Start forming your graffiti with the brush after you have found an ideal wall that is sufficiently moist and overshadowed. Depending on the design you choose, you can use a stencil that will help you make the perfect shape, unless you are a good artist and you can set it up free-hand.

moss graffiti

You should check on it about once or twice a week to see whether it needs some more water or patching up with more moss. Eventually, the moss will re-constitute itself and grow. It should take about a month or two to grow, but this can depend on your local climate conditions.

Post Author: Igor

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