
Grow An Endless Supply Of Tomatoes With These 4 Simple Methods

1. Bury tomato slices

This method, courtesy of The Wannabe Homesteader, is cheap and easy. All you need is some potting soil, an overripe tomato, and a few pots.

Fill a large pot more than halfway full with gardening soil. At that point include a couple of tomato slices (around 1/4 inch thick) on top. Ensure the slices you pick have a lot of seeds and cover them with simply enough soil to cover them. Now you just have to wait, possibly 14 days for them to grow. ​After about seven days, your tomato seeds will begin to grow. Search for around four or five of the biggest and strongest sprouts. Take out those sprouts and replant them in another pot.

​Watch the new plants for a few weeks. You’ll likely notice that maybe a couple of the plants appear to become greater and more grounded. Now remove the other two plants to give your strongest plants more space to develop.

2. Plant them in the ground

In the event that you have a considerable garden space with a lot of sunlight, just covering your tomato plant in the ground, rather than a pot, can create a significantly higher yield. An additional advantage of this strategy is that it requires less watering. If you choose this method, simply remember that you’ll have to protect your plants from animals.

See also: How to properly plant a tomato

3. Grow tomatoes in window box

If you live in a small space or simply don’t have a vast yard, you can grow tomatoes by planting them in a window box. You’ll have to pick bigger window boxes that can hold no less than 1.5 gallons of soil. You can utilize string trellis penetrated into the wall to balance out the plant. However, you should pick smaller tomato sorts for this technique.

4. Grow tomatoes in a hanging basket

Try with a hanging basket on the porch. The drawback to this strategy is that this plant needs more water than ordinary container planting in light of the fact that the water depletes faster. Try a falling cherry tomato for this kind of planting to get the best outcomes.

Post Author: Igor

1 thought on “Grow An Endless Supply Of Tomatoes With These 4 Simple Methods


    (December 24, 2020 - 5:04 am)

    Good & Exhaustive material to learn and apply

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