
21 Plants & Herbs You Can Propagate From Cuttings

In spite of the fact that it doesn’t hurt to explore different approaches regarding developing of any plant or herb from cuttings, numerous annuals that develop promptly from seeds may not be justified regardless of the exertion. The cuttings of a few plants, especially fruit trees that are joined onto rootstocks, won’t develop well regardless of the possibility that you figure out how to compel out a few roots with the assistance of rooting hormones. Be that as it may, the following plants give amazing outcomes.

1. Geranium – 6-8 inches long cuttings can be rooted, however it helps if the parent plant is permitted to wilt a little bit before taking the cuttings. Pull back water for a week and after that take the cuttings 12 hours after watering the plant. The rehydrated stems flourish all the more effortlessly.

2. Hydrangea – Take 4-inch long tip cuttings conveying 3-4 sets of leaves. Remove the lowest pair and trim the stem closer to the node. Embed into moist rooting medium and cover with plastic sheet. You can trim the bigger leaves by 3/4 to diminish water loss through evaporation.

3. Rose – Take 12-inch long hardwood cuttings of pencil thickness in fall and plant out in the chosen area. Water the cuttings completely until winter.

4. Thyme – Grow a few varieties of thyme from tip cuttings taken in summer and embedded into some moist potting medium.

5. Horseradish – Lift the root in early spring and cut into 3-inch parts. Plant them a foot separated specifically in the garden bed.

6. Sage – Take 4-inch semi-ripe basal cuttings in fall and pot up. Keep the rooting medium warm and moist all through winter and afterward transplant in spring.

7. Rex Begonia – All you need is a single leaf. Make a couple cuts on the veins on the underside of the leaf and lay it on a moist bed of peat greenery and sharp sand in equivalent amount. Weight the leaf down with a couple of stones so that the cut edges stay in contact with the bed. Keep in a warm, sufficiently bright place and watch the new plants showing up at these cut edges.

8. Jade plant (Crassula) – These plump leaved plants are awesome for gifting. On the off chance that you have one plant, you can make a few with stem cuttings taken at whatever time of the year, as on account of most houseplants that have a tropical origin. Take 3-4 inch long cuttings with a sharp edge and keep them aside for seven days. A decent callus development shields the meaty stems from decay. Embed the cuttings in a well-draining potting mix utilized for succulents. Water occasionally, permitting the potting mix to wind up about dry in the middle.

9. Ti plant (Cordyline spp.) – These cane-forming plants will in the end become excessively tall and thin. At whatever point you want you can prune your Ti plant, make new plants with the cut branches. Take 1 to 1 ½ ft long growing tips and trim off the lower leaves. Embed into potting mix in individual pots and keep them in a warm place close to a bright window. On the off chance that any piece of the stick is left over, cut it into segments 8-10 inches long. Check the base end of each segment by giving it an inclined cut. Embed into a bed of moist soil in the garden.

10. Fragrant Corn plant (Dracaena fragrans) – This one is closely related with Ti-plant, so the spread technique is comparable. Tip cuttings and mid-section cuttings can be grown into new plants.

11. Weigela – Take 5-inch long softwood/semi-ripe cuttings in late spring or early summer and pot up, keeping under a plastic cover. Plant out in early fall. Alternatively, take hardwood cuttings in fall. Root them and overwinter them in a cold frame, until they can be planted outside next spring.

12. Californian tree poppy (Romneya sp.) – Dig up a few roots in winter (December) and cut them into 3-inch segments. Lay them on a plate of wet sand-compost blend. Cover with a glass until shoots show up. Hold up until summer to plant them outside.

13. Chinese evergreen (Aglaonema spp.) – When these plants end up plainly leggy, take tip cuttings and pot them up in moist compost and sand potting mix. Keep the dirt equitably moist, not wet. Fog the leaves to keep them hydrated until new roots can supply water. Make 3-inch long segments of the rest of the stem and lay them into a plate of moist peat-sand blend. Halfway cover the areas with sand and encase the plate in clear plastic until new shoots begin to push through the plastic. Pot up the new plants in individual pots.

14. Lavender – Take 3-inch tip cuttings in early spring and root them in a cold frame. Transplant the rooted plants into garden beds following 4-6 weeks. In summer and fall, heeled cuttings can be taken for spring planting the next year.

15. African violets – Cut off youthful, healthy leaves with 2-3 inches of leafy stalk. In the wake of jabbing a gap with a chopstick at a 70-degree angle, embed the stalk of each leaf into a plate of moist compost and sand. Keep the plate moist and warm and in brightly lit place.

16. Dumb cane (Dieffenbachia spp.)  – The plants keep losing lower leaves as they grow. Cut off the leafy heads and set them aside for a day or two to form a callus. Pot up in individual containers and keep in a warm place that gets good light. Cut off the remaining bare canes 2 inches above the soil line. Divide these canes into 3-inch sections and place in rooting trays containing peat and compost. Keep covered until shoots come up. Keep the original plant in a warm, well-lit area, it will put up new growth in no time.

17. Comfrey – Dig up a plant and take root cuttings in either spring or fall. Directly plant in a deeply worked bed and cover with mulch. Its roots grow deep into the soil and bring up the nutrients.

18. Philodendrons – You can locate a vast variety of philodendrons with appealing leaf patterns and hues, yet the uplifting news is that every one of them are anything but difficult to grow from cuttings. Tip cuttings with 2-3 nodes are the most effortless to root since they begin growing from the tip when the roots shape, sometimes even earlier. Mid sections with 2-3 nodes are also good, but it may take some time for new shoots to develop from leaf axils.

19. Snake plant (Sansevieria) – 2-3 inch areas of the leaf can be utilized to make new plants. You can in this manner make countless from one parent plant. The main issue with this strategy for spread is that the new plants won’t convey the original variegation. Areas of rhizomes ought to be planted to hold the variegation.

20. Basil – They are easily grown from seeds, but add to the variety by rooting up tip cuttings taken at any time of the year and kept in a warm, protected place out of direct sun.

21. Rosemary – Take 3-5 –inches long tip cuttings in spring from new growth, or use heel or basal cuttings in fall for rooting in cold frame. If you don’t want a lot of rosemary plants, root a few cuttings directly in individual pots covered with a plastic dome.

Post Author: Igor

1 thought on “21 Plants & Herbs You Can Propagate From Cuttings

    Chris Cartwright

    (June 17, 2020 - 3:07 pm)

    Tomatoes also from the side shoots.

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