
5 Common Raised Bed Gardening Mistakes

1. Raised beds are too wide

Raised beds should never be bigger than four feet wide, even more, they should be much smaller than that. You need to have room to work in them from the side, and not to step on the soil.

If your raised beds are by a fence, the width should be 30 inches or less.

2. You don’t plan for irrigation

Except if you need to hand-water your raised beds with a watering can, make sure to put your them close to a water source. Regardless of whether you plan to hand-water your beds or utilize a more proficient method of soaker hoses or a drip lines, having water easily accessible will spare you much time.

3. You fill the beds with low quality soil

Many soil blends will work admirably with raised beds, yet some don’t. Fertilized soil, for instance, isn’t the best sort of soil to fill a raised bed with since it drains too rapidly. Another mistake gardeners make is utilizing soil with an excessive amount of nitrogen content, similar to a bed loaded with manure. Your plants will develop extraordinary however produce little fruit.

See also: Get a substantially improved soil by planting fall cover crops

4. Raised beds are too close together

You should have enough space to work between the beds — a few feet at any time. If the raised beds are too close to each other, the weeding, planting, and harvesting from those edges will be a challenge. Consider the plants you are planting, and you will have a rough idea how bid they might grow. Go from there.

5. You forget to mulch

In spite of the fact that weed weight is generally less, it isn’t non-existent. Mulch will drastically diminish your weeding time. In any case, more essentially, it will direct the dirt temperature and hold dampness — both basic needs of raised beds.

Post Author: Igor

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