1. Movable beds with handles
Test beds are an awesome approach to make sense of whether container gardening is for you, and furthermore to check whether you have picked an ideal area for your garden. Shade, activity in your yard and moisture can all be elements that may have a say in your choice on where to place the raised bed. These handled bed shapes enable you to develop plants for a season and after that pull them up for the winter or to attempt an alternate area next year.

2. Include irrigation
Drip irrigation is an extraordinary approach to supply your raised beds with water. Container gardens dry out more rapidly than in-ground gardens, so a standard watering plan is critical. Setting aside the opportunity to put in a home irrigation system will be hard work at first, yet it will save you hours of watering during the growing season.

3. Mix flowers and vegetables
Cherry tomatoes are tasty, however their color can be very beautiful when put next to beautiful flowers. Trellised tomatoes, brilliant chards, kale and cabbages and feisty peppers can all enhance the beautiful look of a mixed garden.

4. Use marigolds and other deer resistant plants as borders
In India, marigolds are considered as a blossom of festivity. Utilizing them on the outside of beds that your deer love to peruse will give you something to be happy about. Other deer repellent plants incorporate alliums, onion, garlic and chives.

5. Mix container materials
Mixing materials in the raised bed garden can be a delightful and intriguing expansion to your garden design. A blend of stone, wood, ceramic, metal and different materials won’t just look wonderful amid growing season, they will look excellent amid the off season also.

6. Increase water retention with mulchy soil
The best container garden soil has two segments: the correct mineral and pH balance for your plants and enough natural matter to hold water. The mulch in the dirt likewise fills in as a rearing ground for the correct sorts of growths and microorganisms to make your plants healthy, and can shield your soil from getting compacted.

7. Design from above and below
Utilizing different statures in a container is a typical starting point in garden plan. In any case, by including hanging plants at places between the tallest plantings, it can make an even more interesting design scheme This should be possible at the edge of a home or deck, or along the edge of a yard.

8. Keep surrounding areas weed-free with mulch
On the off chance that you have an assigned garden territory, you need to keep it as weed-free as conceivable so that your time is spent in the garden, and not around it. A weed boundary material and a thick layer of mulch is one incredible approach to keep your ways clear.

9. Use recycled pallets as containers
Pallets can be found in a number of places for free. Any big box store or warehouse will load their items onto pallets and change them out frequently when they show wear. Much of the time, you can buy them for insignificant cost, or even get them for free. One admonition with pallets is that they are not intended to oppose rot when touching wet soil. Hoisting your bed on rocks can help expand the life of your container.

10. Vary container heights
There are a few reasons to vary the height on containers. One primary reason is because of sun exposure. If you make each bed subsequently higher as they move away from the sun, then it keeps plants from shading the ones behind them. Also, root depth can determine how deep to make each bed. Berry bushes and root vegetables need deeper soil, while plants like tomatoes and peppers have shallow roots and don’t need a lot of soil depth.