You Will Never Throw Away Used Tea Bags Again

Here are 10 reasons why you should use the used tea bags in the garden instead of throwing them away

1.  Worms eat the tea leaves –  Worms can securely eat tea leaves. When they process the leaves they create a more “supplement rich yield,” making your soil more beneficial for developing plants.

2. Teabags help with water retention  – Bury your tea sacks close to the roots of your plants to help them hold more water and remain much healthier.

3. The bags decompose – Most British tea packs are produced using a relative of the banana. Manila hemp is produced using the fiber of abaca leaf stalks. The bag itself will separate and the small amount of plastic they use to seal the tea bags vanishes in about 6 months.

4. Reduce garbage – Burying your teabags in the garden or hurling them in your fertilizer heap helps eliminate excess waste.

5. Tea bags keep bugs under control – Used tea bags and coffee beans will help keep bugs far from your plants. The scent prevents them from biting on your plants.

6. Tea bags help keep weeds under control – When you cover your teabags in the garden, they can help with obstructing the development of weeds.

7. Tea adds supplements to the soil – Tea leaves contain tannic acid and supplements that are natural fertilizers for your garden. As the tea leaves break down, they discharge supplements into the soil, making a more advantageous growing condition.

8. The smell works on cats and other pets – Sprinkle coffee beans or utilized tea grounds around your garden to prevent the pets from urinating on your plants. You can do this with your indoor plants also.

9. Tea expands the decomposition of other items – The acid in the tea can accelerate the decay procedure of different things in the compost bin, which implies you can utilize the fertilizer much faster.

10. Your teabags can grow a garden – Believe it or not, you can grow your own particular garden with utilized teabags, seeds, a plastic plate, water and a paper towel. You can grow your seeds with the tea bags and after that plant them in the garden.

NOTE: Use teabags that don’t have plastic parts in them, or take out the plastic before using them!

Post Author: Igor

1 thought on “You Will Never Throw Away Used Tea Bags Again


    (September 4, 2020 - 6:54 am)

    You have to be a bit careful in what teabags you bury as some of them are now made with nylon/microplastics.

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