
6 Mistakes You’re Making With Your Houseplants

Keep your houseplants happy and healthy with these tips

1. Choosing the wrong plants

You have to choose plants for the growing conditions in your region. Not all plants can develop inside and not every single indoor plant can develop anyplace you put them. Indoor plants have their own needs in order to thrive.

The best plants for indoor spaces have similar needs:

  • They don’t grow out of control – aggressive plants can rapidly exceed their pot and apply so much power it breaks, or it comes up short on room and dies.
  • They tolerate low humidity – the air inside is generally excessively dry for plants. Adding plants can help raise the humidity, yet your indoor plans ought to have the capacity to adjust and flourish in a low humidity condition.
  • They can grow in low light – most artificial lights can’t mimic the quality of sunlight. Notwithstanding when you have natural sunlight coming in through windows, it will never be like outside.

See also: 5 Plants That Thrive In Dark Rooms

2. Forgetting to fertilize

Numerous houseplants get by on the supplements already present in their soil. As a rule, you should fertilize during the plant’s growing season (normally spring and summer) and decrease, or stop, in the winter months. Indeed, check your plant’s particular needs, including how frequently to treat and what sort of fertilizer to utilize. It’s conceivable to over-feed your plant or “burn” it with the wrong sort of fertilizer.

3. Neglecting your plants

Once you’ve picked your plants and chosen where they will be set, don’t set them and then forget about them. Check in with your plants each day. See how they are getting along. Are the leaves shriveling or turning yellow? Do they appear to be limp? Is their development non-existent after numerous weeks? Are there any pests or fungus? Address any issues as early as possible.

Also, we can’t forget to give them what they naturally get when they are outdoors — getting their leaves “cleaned” by wind and rain. Dusting our plant’s leaves help them better soak up sunlight and prevents pest infestations. Clean out dead foliage in order to not only keep your plants looking their best.

4. Don’t overdo it eather

Checking on your plants often doesn’t mean you always need to do something. Overwatering and overfeeding are the top reasons indoor plants die at the hands of their caretakers.

5. Not enough light

Indeed, even plants that lean toward for the most part shade require a little light whether immediate or indirect light for part of the day. So in case you’re in an exceptionally dim office space, you may have some constrained options about where plants go. You should think about an alternative like a moss wall that isn’t actively growing and can be placed anywhere to provide a natural element.

6. Treating indoor plants like outdoor plants

Houseplants growing in low humidity conditions require more water than plants that grow outside. Be that as it may, it’s an almost negligible difference. Soil needs to remain soggy yet not very wet.

Giving your plants fresh air: If you are in an office with fixed windows, and no entryways or other direct access outside, you and your plants are breathing recycled air. You have to give them a place to “inhale” genuine air.

Don’t put your indoor plant outside in full sun, ever. Much the same as you, a lot of sun exposure will give it a sunburn with burned leaves. Keep it inside where it has its own place.

Post Author: Igor

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