
5 Most Important Rules For The Care Of Indoor Plants In Winter

1. Indoor plants feeding

Houseplants should not be kept in a place that it’s too cold, but not too warm eather. The ideal room temperature should range between 15 ° C and 20 ° C. If you have provided this room temperature to your houseplants, it’s time to stop with the feeding for most of the plants. This does not apply to indoor plants that still need to flourish, such as cyclamen, azaleas or Christmas cactus. Potted plants now require you to regularly take out the dry leaves and wilted shoots, so that the plant could be undisturbed to grow and develop.

2. Abrupt changes in temperature

The sudden changes in room temperature do not appeal to your flowerpots. Therefore, if you keep them in places where there is draft, be sure to move them. This applies even when you are ventilating the rooms. Flowers look for light, you should keep the pots near the window, but not too close if you have radiators.

3. Repotting houseplants

The plants are now in a state of rest, and transplantation is not recommended. However, if you want to replant a plant in a larger pot, you must get new soil, but also a pot, one size larger than the previous one.

4. Watering houseplants

Most of the houseplants in your home rarely need to be watered. Even when the plant is watered every day, it is necessary to water only so that the earth is not completely dry. For those who do not know, houseplants better tolerate dry soil than watering. On the other hand, the plants that flourish in winter should be watered every two to three days.

5. Leaves

If your home is heated with central heating the air is mainly dry, so you can place a container with water on the radiators. Also, move the pots at least 4 feets away from the radiators. Sprinkle the leaves regularly with water. This is especially pleasant to the tree of life, to various types of ferns, banjamins.

Bonus tip

As a rule, cacti are not demanding, but in the winter months make sure to place them in the room with the most daylight. If you want your cacti to blossom during the spring, do not water them, except when it’s very warm in your home. This rule does not apply to the Christmas cactus, which during the winter enters the period of flowering.

Post Author: Igor

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