
The Best Plants For Gardens With Gravel

The beds with gravel should be watered very rarely, because water retention is a major enemy of the plants.


Among short perennial plants suitable for growing in beds of gravel is particularly suitable catnip (Nepeta cataria). This is a plant with gray-green leaves and very pleasant aroma. From June to September you can see pink or blue flowers. After the flowering period is over, you should cut the wilted flowers.


Gypsophila (Gypsophila repens) is an extremely beautiful plant for garden with gravel. It grows as high as 15 do 20 cm, and has a lot of white, pink and soft purple flowers. It blooms from May to August.


Rock-Rose (Helianthemum nummularium) is a perennial plant with yellow and sometimes orange or red flowers that blooms from June to September. After the end of the flowering period, it should be cut to prevent its rapid spread.


Armeria blooms from May to July on stalks with a height of about 10 cm. This plant needs a lot of sunlight.

Lamb’s ear

Lamb’s ear (Stachys lanata) can often be seen in beds with gravel, primarily due to the decorative leaves that are straight and oval. The whole plant is covered with spots in silver. Faintly violet flowers bloom in June and July.


Santolina is an evergreen, round bush with branches completely overgrown with tiny, needle and fragrant petals. The flowers, which are usually in a beautiful bright yellow, bloom in July and August. This plant is resistant to drought and summer heat, and is the most suitable one for direct sunlight.


Post Author: Igor

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