
Care For Your Succulents

They have the ability to retain water in their leaves, stem or root for a longer period. Many succulents have a waxy coating on their stems and leaves, which helps them to preserve moisture. They are very flexible on tropical weather, because they come from the central part of America, Africa, India, Madagascar …

Most plants need a minimum temperature of 10-15 degrees, but some tropical species need at least 20 degrees. The care includes  to fertilize them once a month, during the flowering season.

They enjoy direct sunlight (Agave species, echeveria, sedum), and only a few species need to be in shade or penumbra(Phachyphytum oviferum, crassula, haworthia), due to the strong summer sun. During the winter, it is best to keep the succulents at a temperature of 10-12 degrees.

If the humidity in the room is increased, you should water them very rarely, to avoid rot and decay of the plant.

Succulents reproduce very easy and the most common way is with the leaf. After separating from the mother plant, before planting in the substrate / peat young cuttings, leave them for 2-3 days, that way the wound will dry. The injured area can be disinfected with charcoal. Cuttings, in the moist soil, quickly begin to develop little roots, and after a month of proper care, a new root system is formed.

Some species of succulent plants flourish with beautiful colors, but unfortunately  with short duration. For flower types, the maintenance during the  winter is very important or in the next season they will not have the power to create buds.

Post Author: Igor

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